
This poster was also created using Photoshop CS3. I wanted to keep this reasonably simple as it will, presumably, be an advertisement in a newspaper ot Magazine, which will be aimed mostly towards adults than the age group to which my product is targeting. I have kept the colours nice and bright, keeping in with the green theme as to connote the wildlife and jungle. the majority of the poster is formed using images such as the titles of the main feature programmes, two of which are the highlights of my website. This is so that adults can clearly see that the channel is aimed towards the younger ages and may find it suitable for their own child or someone they know.

Within the main background of the poster I have included the date on which the channel will be premiered and the channel that it can be found on. This is necessary information for the readers as they will then be able to keep an eye on the time for when the channel opens up to the public. If there was no indication as to when the channel aired then the audience would be left wondering if it even exists, not knowing where or when it may appear on their televisions.

Like my listings magazine, I have added the fictional website in the bottom left hand corner so that they can log online and have a look at the other features that are appearing on the channel. This is a more interactive way of finding out more about the channel itself and can include more information that the initial eye catching poster.