Listings Magazine

I created this double page spread completely in Photoshop CS3. Each image was hand drawn using a bamboo graphics tablet, which allowed me to draw images straight onto Photoshop asif I were drawing on a pad, making the whoe process a lot easier to cope with.

I created each image on a new layer, this way I had complete control over every aspect of design. The layers made it possible for me to move individual pieces of artwork about so that I coud find the perfect positioning, rather than having to move large sections about at a time. I created two new programmes for this Magazine: Tiny's Trail and the "Movie Magic" feature, Father of the Pride. This meant that I had to create two new logo's (The SeaLife one already being created for my main website). For these titles I made use of the stroke and fade effects of Photoshop's Type Tool, as well as the featured custom shapes for the snail and the paw print used within the logo's, this kept them simple and sweet but each are quirky for the fact that the images show a link to what the programme or movie will be about, all in aid of helping chldren to understand the features.

I included times on this spread as in my prior research of Listings Magazines (Shown in a seperate post on my Planning and Research homepage) I found that even though the feature pages for specific programmes or channels were based mainly on telling the audience about the programmes and showing images, there were also times for which the said programmes would be previewed on the channels. Therefore, I have taken both into account and made my magazine spread half and half, giving information on three of the main highlights for the channel as well as the time information (being aimed mainly at adults) so that parents can see when will be a suitable time for their children to watch, according to their schedules.

I also included a link to my fictional website in the bottom right hand corner so that they can refer to another source for more information about the channel, this would, hopefully, gain more popularity for the channel because it is highlighting the fact that there are more ways to experience it, the internet being a very influencial source of entertainment in modern civilisation.