28 September 2009

Nick Jr

((Click on image for larger view))

Again, this website has a large amount of colour on it. These bright colours keep a child's attention. Also, the background has a theme to it, being a hillside with a windmill, this gives children an idea of a peaceful environment as a lot of young children long to live in an open countryside, it gives a sense of freedom, knowing all children have an inner "free spirit".

Similar to that of Playhouse Disney, there are a number of links that can be followed through to programme pages via the use of images, again, these images give a familiar face which the children can put to the programmes they watch and like. Also, the page layout is similar to Disney as the basic background border stays the same, keeping the top and side links the same, however changing the middle of the page. This aids the ease of access for young children because they will become familiar with the positioning of the links within the webpage, allowing them to be able to find certain sections easier.

The links along the header of the website contain the more serious information, again, like "shows" and "What's on TV", as the programmes are the main highlight of the site and the producers want children to be viewing them more, finding out about the shows, these pages are left as text so that they are not what the children initially see. However, to make these links easier to understand for smaller children, there are little images next to each word on the buttons, relating to the topic, for "Fun & Games" it is a football and for "Video" there is a picture of a television.