06 January 2010

TV Quick Listings Magazine

When reading through the 'TV Quick' Listing magazine, I noticed that it is focusing on a much older audience than I was intending for my product. This has also been apparent in a number of different magazines that I have looked at to back up my research ideas.

This particular magazine tends to focus on comedy programmes and soap operas, ones that would attract those of an older age group, therefore I cannot judge how I am going to create my child friendly advertisement solely on this. However, this does give me a substantial insight into how to attract parents. I want the parents to feel happy with letting their children watch these programmes, to do this I will need to give some information about the different programmes, as shown on this double page spread.

It also contains a number of different images, almost like "sneak peeks" into what the programme will be featuring in the weeks to come. These catch the attention of the audience as they can see the different pictures and want to know what happens in the rest of the episodes. The subtitles for each different section are short and snappy which, again, all aids in grabbing the readers attention, these make you want to read on and find out for yourself what might be around the corner.

Even though this page is based on a programme aimed at young adults and up, it is still a rather colourful spread. This shows that they are still making use of bright colours and images (such as the snowflakes, to show Christmastime) catch an older eye. This means that I can make my double page spread colourful in a way that it will attract both the parents and the child.